
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Discoveries

Kaden is now 16 1/2 months old and has really started to transform these past couple weeks. He suddenly became my little kid rather than my baby. Here are some of his new "tricks:" He's started helping me if I ask him to go get something, he will do it (unless of course he is angry, then his Mr. Hyde side comes out). He likes to clean things off if I spray them with cleaner. He has figured out that he can jump, luckily not off of things yet. He loves cars, trucks, trains, tractors, and airplanes and makes car noises for everything with wheels. He discovered playdough, which is pretty hilarious to watch. He grabs things with his toes- Yes thats my kid! Anything with buttons instantly becomes a phone. He changes channels, and turns the TV on and off with the remote. He shakes his head yes and no in response to questions. He learned several new signs, including eat, water. When we are out running erands, he smiles and waves at any girl he sees. He says "Hi" to EVERYONE he sees. And my favorite thing he does is fold his arms whenever we say prayer. 
i always tell him to fold his arms, and then one day he did it and I was shocked that he was actually paying attention. It has to be the cutest thing to see a toddler do that, let alone your own! It really makes you appreciate that we are children of God. 
We also have been so blessed lately with a trip to California for Christmas! Every time I remind myself that we're going, my heart does a little happy dance!! And I am really glad too, because Kaden will be at a great age so that he will be able to interact with everyone and lets face it, who doesn't love a toddler at Christmas. *Bonus* he flies free because he is not 2 yet! This Christmas will also be the first time in a long time (and for another long time after that) that my family will all be able to be together! Its going to be the longest 4 months ever because of the anticipation, but its going to be so worth it!

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