
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Discoveries

At 71/2 months old here are some things Kaden has discovered:
His feet
How to scoot
How to pick things up with his feet- I didn't teach him this, I swear!
Its fun being naked
How to splash in the tub
Bubbles are yummy
How to give kisses
How to blow raspberries
How to look around for people
How to be soft
How to pet Hiccup 
How to pull  
How to throw things
How to force a burp
Mommies wedding ring
How to pick things up with his fingers (pincher grip) (this came after the feet one :)
How to give a "High 5"
How to bite
and many more things that i cant think of right now

Friday, November 11, 2011

I got two Teef!

I got two teef, I got two Teef,
I got two teef hay hay hay!
Thats right our little fighter has turned into a little biter! He has two little chompers in the front bottom. He broke one through on Sunday and then when Justin felt his gums last night, was suprised to find a second! 2 teeth in 5 days. If he keeps up his rate, he will have a head full of teeth by Christmas! Tables, chairs, doggies and anything on the floor, Im comin' to bite ya!
This is my attempt to take a pic of Kaden's Teeth. Unfortunately you cant see them very well. :(

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Discoveries

     So Kaden has come up with lots of funny things in the last couple days. He tries to look around you when you are standing in front of the tv, or if you are not paying attention to him he will try to put his face in front of yours. He has figured out how to make himself burp. So he will burp after he eats and then sit and try to burp and giggle like this "" its pretty funny.  I was making a popping sound with my lips and Kaden thought it was pretty funny. He was pretty tired at the time. He tries the burping thing a little bit, but I'll try to get a better video of it.    
He also thinks he can crawl. He will sit down and then lean over his legs and get on all fours but as soon as he tries to move, his one leg gets stuck underneath him sideways so he cant move anywhere. Justin put him down across the room and then sat in a chair on the other side of the room, and in less than 10 minutes Kaden had scooted over to him. Another time I was doing dishes and i set him down in the office and all of a sudden he was banging on the dishwasher door. So he is mobile but not yet crawling.We call him destructo-baby. You can only guess why :) 
 Kaden and the spoils of his plunder!
Showing off his muscles!
Kaden likes to watch Monsters Inc on our bed! What a cute little Zombie!