
Monday, August 6, 2012

For the love of Cheerios!

Yeah we have been having that kind of day. You know, the kind where the toddler is screaming all day long. Where you think he must be sick because he never acts like this. Where you have even taken him to the doctor and he just smiles and says "I can't find anything wrong," and tells you to just give him Tylenol if he seems to be in pain. Where he doesn't want to eat (and if you've seen him you know how odd that is) so the hunger only aggravates the situation. Where anything, even the slightest puff of wind will throw that once sweet happy boy into what feels like the 100th tantrum that makes you want to rip your hair out and cry too. Yeah, you know what I am talking about.
So we have had that kind of day. But I love my sweet boy, and I know he is still in there. Somewhere on the other side of that molar that I hope comes through very very very soon. And I know he is in there because he still says uh-oh and shakes his head no whenever he throws something because he knows he did something wrong. And he still signs please and more and sits on our laps when we read to him and he still gives kisses and hugs.
Today, I was getting his milk ready before his much needed bedtime and for some reason there was a big box of Cheerios on the counter. Kaden really really wanted them evidently because he grabbed the box with one hand and pulled it down. The box fell upside down on the floor and the entire contents spilled out onto the floor. All I could say was "Oh-NO!" As the dust settled, Kaden backed up to the carpet to watch what would happen and Hiccup began to lick up the straggling Cheerios that were thrown out of Kaden's reach. As soon as I started cleaning up the mountain of breakfast cereal on my kitchen floor, I could feel two little eyes watching the Cheerios and I looked over to see Kaden standing there eyes wider than ever, leaning forward and going "MMMMmmmmmMMMMMmmmmmMMMmmmmmMMmmmmm," over and over with the cutest grin spreading across his little face. His cute little face that looks so much like his Daddy's. I couldn't help but be so immensely happy that he is my little boy. So grateful that I get to clean up his messes and watch his pudgy feet crunch over the scattered Cheerios. So grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me so much. I love that little boy!

1 comment:

  1. That's sweet--like teary eye sweet :) Sorry Kaden's having such a hard time with his teeth! One day our boys will have all their teeth...
