This post is for those of you who naively (I don't even think that's a word) put your child's crib or bed next to the light switch not thinking about them getting bigger and being able to turn it on and off by themselves. Well that's what I did. Kaden has gotten so tall, we even had to lower his crib down lower than the pegs allowed us to, just to keep him inside the crib (no, he hasn't learned to climb out yet, but he can get his armpits over the railing). Unfortunately he can still reach and turn his light switch on and off. I looked online but the cheapest covers are $9 with $5 shipping. And as tempted as I was, I wasn't going to pay $14 for a single cover.
We tried to pull his bed out from the wall far enough he couldn't reach the switch, but that left very little walking space in his already small room. I thought I found a solution at a thrift store, but the plate did not fit our switch plates (Probably why it was at the thrift store in the first place). I thought about the online cover and thought I might be able to rig one myself. As I thought about this contraption, inspiration struck.
So I a large rectangle out of the front of a baby lotion bottle, rounded the corners, drilled a small hole in each end of the rectangle and used the screws on the switch plate to attach the switch guard. I just had to make the rectangle longer so that it would bubble out so that I could still flip the switch; but I made it wide enough (about the width if the switch) that Kaden's fingers couldn't quite get to it.
Here is what it looks like now:
It may not be the prettiest thing in the world, but my little man hasn't figured out how to operate it yet. Now his crib is by the wall, and I can walk in his room! SUCCESS! And the part that makes me the cost me nothing!!! DOUBLE SUCCESS!!