
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bumps, Bruises and Boo-Boos

Now that Kaden can walk, he is a little over confident with his gross motor skills.
It seems like every time I turn around, he is scratched, bit, bruised or bumped in some way. Its a good thing that 1. he is such a happy/tough boy, and 2. kids are made out of rubber. A lot of the time, he doesn't even cry he just scrunches up his face and goes "OOoh!" and then after the appropriate amount of adult acknowledgement, he continues playing. Here are a couple of his recent battle wounds:
 I was pushing Kaden on his little truck, and he was holding his snack cup. When I turned the truck around, he decided he wanted down and didn't want to wait for help. He landed face first on his snack cup and got this beautiful bruise that went from one side of his nose to the opposite eyebrow. Look at that happy kid; he's even saying cheese to the camera, or "sheesh." Within a couple of days it faded to look like a little scratch and we didn't have to do too much explaining at church :)

The reason he is laughing in this picture is because he was throwing a ball to Hiccup. The dog got a little excited and lunged to get the ball, knocking Kaden down and scratching his arm (yeah I know its a tiny scratch, but you get the idea). Kaden thought it was hilarious and kept doing it.
The other one is the most recent and isn't really a battle wound. I mentioned earlier that he has Roseola, and one of the symptoms is a rash. So he has a rash on his whole body that just looks sad.
I know he's going to get tons more bumps, bruises, and boo-boos, (because lets face it, that's what kids do!) so I am definitely grateful that Heavenly Father did such a great job designing out bodies!

May and June Update

I realize that it has been a very long time since my last post and lots of things have happened! Starting with the fact that Kaden can now tell me what he wants, mostly by pointing, but this is a huge accomplishment. He says some words: His favorite word in the whole world is Ball "baa", which he says more than anything, Banana is "Nanana," hat is "dat," phone is "po," of course he says "Mama" and "Dada," Dog sounds more like "do-," cracker is "dta-dta," he asks what's that "'sdtat?" he says yes which makes him sound latin because he says it like "jes", he says hiccup "iccu" when he says book, he drops the k so its sounds more like "boo." That's all I can think of right now as far as actual words go. 
Kaden has also become an avid dancer, especially when specific songs come on the radio or we sing popcorn popping. He loves to climb onto my lap and read books. His favorite book is one that I made a few years ago in a Child Literature class at BYUI. It has pictures of Justin and lots of things he likes to do and then at the end it has a mirror and says "my Daddy loves me!" he likes to point to the pictures and say "Dada, Dada." Its so cute! He does the same thing with the big family picture we have hanging over the mantle and he like to wave at it.
Other things Kaden can do now: open the oven door, climb on every chair/couch in sight, grab anything that is less than 4 inches from the edge of the counter, open the dishwasher door,
The past few weeks have been so sunny and its starting to heat up. Kaden's new favorite thing is to go outside and just run. He and Hiccup play this funny game where they try to take pine cones from each other. They both get really excited and Kaden starts laughing so hard he falls down.

So since I haven't put any pictures up since April either, here is my photo dump:

Dressing up like "Dada"
 Kaden after another haircut
At a birthday party eating yummy watermelon!
 You can't see it very well, but his face is COVERED in juice. lol it was the cutest!
 After sticking his face in the water

Look at that belly!

Entertaining himself with the contraption Mommy came up with.
On the way home from Fayetteville, we saw Mater in real life! See him?!?
Kaden got Roseola this week, and since his fever was so high, I just let him run around naked. One happy boy!