
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Small World

So I know this is kind of random, but I thought it was pretty funny. When I started my Tootsie Tots blog, I started linking my account to blogs I like, about family, crafting, photography or just inspirational ones in general.

Tonight I was looking at some that I hadn't visited in a long time, and came across one sparked my interest. As I kept reading on this lady's blog, I realized that it referenced Winterville, which is a town neighboring Greenville, where we live. I didnt think that was a big deal because I'm sure there are a lot of "Winterville's" scattered through the US. I read on, and there was a reference to PCMH-Pitt County Memorial Hospital- the hospital in Greenville. I mentioned to Justin that I thought that was a funny coincidence that I had followed it for so long but didn't know that this lady lived in Greenville, and that it was funny that she lived in the same town we moved to just 6 months ago.

Dont worry it gets wierder.

I clicked on another link on her website to a photographer's website. I liked her work so I went on Facebook to "like" her page. When I searched for this photographer, her name and address came up for her business. (This is the wierd part) She lives down the street from me! Crazy! So it just goes to show you that you how small this world (or the web world) really is!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree

We have had a great Christmas break! Its been wonderful having Justin home! Here are some of our adventures!

Meadow lights

 Christmas Eve!!!

 Christmas Morning!
(Jaxon and Kaden have already started to get each other in trouble. 
Several times we found them in cupboards taking everything out, and making messes)

 Love my basketball!
What a cool bib!